33rd Annual Community Awareness

Creating a steady, reliable, and strong caring connection in uncertain times will keep yourself, your families, and your communities safe. More than ever there is an importance to connect actively with oneself and to work on self-care, as these are the MUSCLES of Resilience. How you develop your inner connection strengthens how you develop your outer connection to the world around you. This demonstrates your Resiliency – being hardy, being elastic, and being strong.

Resilience- is this keeping it together? not falling apart? how do we get stronger? Lift weights and muscles get stronger. Stress and chaos are muscle-building factors of resiliency. Google says resilience means pliability, spirit, and flexibility. In times of uncertainty and fear we become rigidly (strictly, severely, firmly) stuck and controlling whatever we can- even if it looks like our bubble, our home, and our relationships.

To surrender control is not passivity; rather, it is to be willing to see and face the reality of what is happening. Develop steadiness, reliability, and strength. Becoming like a deeply rooted tree, grounded in a storm, and yet able to become fluid, flexible, and able to respond as the external world changes. Becoming like flowing water, actively making choices with agility. Your choices may influence others around you. Our caring connection begins within and may affect everyone and everything around us. You can make a difference.

How can you allow uncertainty and disruption to be a positive developing capacity in yourself, your relationships, and your career? Could you use this experience to open the door to new growth, to new potential, and to change creatively? Cardston Community Caring Connections program encourages active resilience muscle building. This can be accessed through self-care and awareness classes now offered online and/or in small group/family appointments.

Craig Hamilton’s youtube channel suggests the following exercise: Practice sitting still and just for a few minutes notice what is going on in and around you. Accepting whatever comes up. Say Yes, to the moment. Let what you notice come up; therefore, face what you are feeling, thinking, and experiencing. Turn towards the uncomfortable truths. Decide, I want to see what is happening here. Observe where you are rigid. Breathe. Notice. Allow. Acknowledge you are complete and lacking nothing.

Connect to yourself with care and attention. Restore your spirit. Going forward with life becomes a doable mystical wonder again. You just exercised your resiliency muscles, as they are now developing pliability, spirit, and flexibility. Caringly connecting to ourselves, we develop the capacity to caringly connect to others. To find out more join us at www.ourcaringconnection.com